AppDev Visual Basic 6.0: Advanced Programming Concepts 英文光碟正式版 (4片裝)
AppDev Visual Basic 6.0: Advanced Programming Concepts 英文光碟正式版 (4片裝)
於微軟的Visual Basic 6.0進階程式設計觀念,對於現在程式軟體佔有率最高的微
軟Visual Baisc 6.0有進一步的描述,是一套對於學習Visual Basic 6.0來說是一
套寶典,所以不論你是為了何種因素必須接觸Visual Basic V6.0 ,這都是你所必
In Level 4 Visual Basic 6.0 CD-ROMs you'll use Visual Basic to take
advantage of objects and features provided with Windows: Common Controls
and API functions. You'll also learn to create more flexible object models
with class modules, work more effectively with ADO, and provide your users
with the ability to work with multiple documents in your application.
[CD-ROM 1]
24.0 Creating MDI Applications
24.1 What is MDI?
24.2 Creating an MDI Application
24.3 Working with MDI Applications
[CD-ROM 2]
25.0 Using Windows Common Controls
25.1 The Windows Common Controls
25.2 The ImageList Control
25.3 The Toolbar Control
25.4 The StatusBar Control
25.5 The ProgressBar Control
25.6 The TreeView Control
25.7 The ListView Control
[CD-ROM 3]
26.0 Using Drag and Drop
26.1 What Drag and Drop?
26.2 Using Visual Basic Drag and Drop
26.3 Using Windows?OLE Drag and Drop
27.0 Advanced Class Module Issues
27.1 Creating a Collection Class
27.2 Creating Default Members
27.3 Creating an Enumeration Function
27.4 Adding Enumerated Types
[CD-ROM 4]
28.0 More API Examples
28.1 Using the AddressOf Operator
28.2 Set Tabstops in a List Box
28.3 Scroll a Multi-Line Text Box
28.4 Detecting Whether a Specific App is Loaded
29.0 Advanced ADO Topics
29.1 Reviewing OLE DB and ADO
29.2 Managing Connections
29.3 Working with Data
29.4 Creating Recordsets in Memory
29.5 Persisting Recordsets
29.6 Retrieving Multiple Resultsets