Zenhiser Studio Essentials Minimal Tech Wav 音色素材 英文正式版
Sometimes you just need a sample pack that will cover your genre, give
you synth loops and basslines for quick inspiration, a large drum beat
database, all the drum sounds you need to create your own beats, bass
hits for instant bottom end goodness, an fx folder and synth hits for quick
use and the creative flair. Welcome to "Studio Essentials" from Zenhiser.
Minimal & Minimal Tech is a certain type of sound that is hard to learn,
you've got to be lighter on your sounds than full on dance productions,
deliver intrinsic basslines, never be too hooky with your synths and always
add a little less than a little more. With that in mind we created "Studio
Essentials - Minimal Tech", a perfect snapshot of the current minimal tech
sound created with extremely high end quality and detail as to give you the
finest stock collection of Minimal and Minimal Tech for your studio. This
Studio Essentials sample pack delivers all and much more for the serious
tech head, but hey don't take our word for it, check out just how good the
preview is to know exactly what we're talking about.
"Studio Essentials - Minimal Tech" weighs in at 741 samples and loops
totalling just over 500mb in size. So what's in the sample pack I hear you
say, well check this out:
Bass Hits - 26 samples
Basslines - 54 loops
Drum Beats - 156 loops
Drum Beats (Tops) 116 loops
Drums - Kicks - 30 samples
Drums - Hi Hats - 32 samples
Drums - Claps - 29 samples
Drums - Snares - 27 samples
Drums - Percussion - 68 samples
Drums - FX - 44 samples
FX - 25 samples
FX Loops - 40 samples
Synth Hits - 29 samples
Synth Loops - 65 samples